What is a Root Canal?
It’s always difficult for me to tell a patient they need a root canal, because I always anticipate them to cringe. For whatever reason, root canals have a bad reputation, but they are truly a comfortable procedure. In addition, they have little to no recovery time, and they save a tooth!! Why may your tooth […]
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Zoo Trip & My (Failed) Photography Mission
I spent yesterday at the zoo, and of course, one of my main objectives was to get an amazing picture of an animal’s teeth to share on my new Blog. I spent 10 minutes with my camera up to a window, trying to get a pic of this beaver’s teeth. In addition to about 10 pictures […]
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Fun Dental Facts
We are so excited to launch the Northstar Family Dental blog! To start, I wanted to share some fun, interesting, and strange dental facts with you. At Northstar, we are all self-proclaimed “dental nerds”… I hope to invoke a love of dentistry in all of you, at least for the next couple minutes!! A lot […]
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