Did you know that oral health and overall health are connected?

Did you know that oral health and overall health are connected?

Did you know that oral health and overall health are connected?

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends practicing good general hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly, social distancing, and not touching your face. In addition to this, it is also crucial to practice good oral hygiene to help prevent you and your family from getting sick. Below outlines a few helpful hygiene tips to stay healthy.

Replace Your Toothbrush or Toothbrush Head Often
The best practice is to replace their electric toothbrush head or disposable toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. During the coronavirus pandemic, we recommend replacing them more often than this. Or, at the very least, every 3 months.

Properly Store Your Toothbrush
Allow your toothbrush to dry after each use by keeping it in an upright position. This helps prevent the spread and growth of bacteria.

Don’t Share Your Toothbrush
The particular mix of bacteria in your mouth is unique to you. When you use someone else’s toothbrush, you expose your teeth and gums to new bacteria which may not react well with your existing bacteria. This foreign bacteria can increase your risk of catching a cold, the flu, or other germs lurking on your partner’s toothbrush, even if they practice good hygiene.

Practice Good Health Routines
Maintaining good oral hygiene at home is always necessary to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other conditions. It’s more important than ever to practice good oral and overall health routines.
• Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.
• Floss once a day.
• Eat a balanced diet.
• Exercise.
• Wash your hands often

Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings
Normally the body’s natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, keep bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Professional cleanings are the only way to remove calculus (tartar), which traps plaque bacteria along the gum line.